
Our comprehensive programs help support you from early pregnancy, birth and parenting. Check out all that we offer below!

Check out our programs that support pregnancy, birth and parenting

Programs at Serenity Birth Studio

Helping parents navigate pregnancy, birth & parenting with confidence since 2004!

As a leading pre- and postnatal resource in our area, we have created a space that provides community, education, support and long lasting connections among Moms as well as their families – and why we build these values into all the programs, community events and services we offer.

Our customers from past and present describe Serenity Birth Studio as a community of women and families; a kind environment to gain knowledge and support from others who are on the same journey.

We offer a variety of programs to support pregnancy, birth & parenting for our community! Our 700 sq ft studio space has been connecting parents for 15 years with programs, workshops & events developed & led by top professionals in their field.

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Prenatal Classes

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Baby Classes

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Toddler Classes

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Other Classes, Workshops, & Events

sleepingstar - Serenity Birth Studio

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